“It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.”

— John Steinbeck


“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

— Harriet Tubman

Have a wonderful week!


“He makes me so angry!” I am sure that you have moments that someone in your life makes you so angry that you want to scream.

I would like to give you a tip for these situations – first of all, take a deep breath and then another. Think what it is that that person did or said that made you so angry. Try to identify the trait that really make you angry.

This person has come to teach you an important lesson. So, first of all, thank this person in your mind, even before you really understand what it is that they have done to make you so angry.

Once you have identified the trait or the characteristic, take a few moments and reflect – what do I have in me that is similar?

This is called reflecting. At first, it is our nature to say that there is nothing about that person that is similar to us. Give yourself time, think about it. If, for example, you are angry with your boss for needed to be in control of everything, ask yourself where in your life do you need to be in control. Now think of a few examples where this is true.

This is when the magic starts to work: when we see in ourselves these traits and characteristics, this opens an understanding for the other person. We see what it is that really bothers us: it is not the person who made you so angry, it is the fact that we recognize traits in our self that we would like to change.

So take a deep breath. Thank this person for this important lesson. The next time you encounter a similar situation, smile inward – there is a lesson to be learned today.

Have a great day,


International Women’s Day

From Native Spirits Tribal community:

Tribute To The Native Women In The World
International Womens Day

Woman’s Prayer

Great Spirit, I am Mother.
I was made by You so that the image of Your love
Could be brought into existence.
May I always carry with me
The sacredness of this honour.

Creator, I am Daughter.
I am the learner of the Traditions.
May I carry them forward
So that the Elders and Ancestors
Will be remembered for all time.

Maker-Of-All-Things, I am Sister.
Through me, may my brothers be shown
The manner in which I am to be respected.
May I join with my sisters in strength and power as a healing sheild
So that they will no longer bear the stain of abuse.

Niskam, I am Committed Partner:
One who shares her spirit,
But is wise to remember never to give it away,
Lest it become lost,
And the two become less than one.

I am Woman.
Hear me.

We are

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday

And our present thought build our life of tomorrow:

Our life is the creation of our mind.


A thought…

When you look back on your life, the things that you want people to remember you for are not the long hours you worked, not how much money that you had in the bank and not what a wonderful job you did at work. You want to be remembered for who you are and what you gave to others.

Be remembered for the life gifts that you are blessed to give to others.




Did you ever think about responsibility? I love having responsibilities, but that wasn’t always the case. There were times in my life when I looked at the unbelievable number of responsibilities I has in life and was so overwhelmed – how could one person deal with so much responsibilities? If you are at all like me, then you know how hard it is to say no when someone asks you to take on yet another one.

Then one day, I looked at the word – responsible – and smiled. It was one of those light bulb moments: the workd is a combination of two words:

Response +able.

So first of all I was so glad that I am able, and then I thought how often am I able to respond, really respond. Am I able to respond to all fo the demands made on me. I understood that in order to be responsible, I need to think about the additional responsibilities that I take on.

It made my life so much easier – I have responsibilities that are basic and a part of my life, there are responsibilities that come with my job and that I volunteer for. Today, whenever asked to take on additional responsibilities, I stop and ask myself – am I able to respond to this request? Do I have enough time? Is this something that will hinder me or will it enrich me.

How about you?